Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Culture Book 2011 - Elizabeth Kenly


Unfortunately this industry, as well as many others like it in the South, are surprisingly behind the curve in terms of valuing diversity in the workplace. Therefore, Garman Homes values place this company in a league of it’s own.

Now allow me to clarify...Garman Homes does not set out to hire an individual representing each religion, political group, ethnicity or sexual orientation because it is politically correct.

They simply embody “Be Whatever - Be Ok” by not placing emphasis and focus on “what” you are in the first place. The emphasis is, and has always been on the following things: your attitude, your ability to change and grow, your ability to admit fault and make the appropriate changes, your energy and your individual skills and talents.

Therefore...go ahead and be a vegan, Muslim-Jew-for Jesus who wears your little sister’s fushia tap shoes to work every day. Will every one agree with your eating habits or fashion sense? Probably not. However, you’ll be fine as long as you are able to do the following things:

-Don’t just show up - BE PRESENT
-Don’t just accomplish tasks - EXCEED EXPECTATIONS
-Don’t just have a positive attitude - SURPRISE PEOPLE WITH IT
-Don’t make little mistakes - MAKE BIG, FAT ONES, ADMIT THEM AND LEARN FROM THEM
-Don’t just get excited about the big things - BE PASSIONATE ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU DO...MAKE BATHROOM BREAKS SPECIAL (sing if you like)
-Don’t just work within the company - OWN YOUR LITTLE CORNER OF IT

And don’t stay one minute past the day you are unable to meet or completely disagree with the values - THERE IS A LID FOR EVERY POT, LIFE IS SHORT...FIND A GOOD FIT FOR YOURSELF

I find that when everyone in the company works in this manner, people are motivated to “be better” every day. What could be better than working with a bunch of surprisingly upbeat, diverse, flexible, passionate, growing people who all seem to care about one another?

Elizabeth Kenly
Rock Star since January 7, 2008