Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Culture Book 2011 - Dan Morse

Garman Homes culture is all about flow, momentum, and change.

Flow is just how we roll....
If someone needs help, we help each other.
If someone is having a bad day, we pick them up.
If someone is being treated poorly, we have their back.
If it takes 80% of our time, we stop doing it because it's not worth it.
If someone does something great, we celebrate!

Momentum is just how we roll....
We make decisions very quickly
Too much analyzing can be paralyzing
We finish what we start.
If the path to success changes, we just follow the new path.
We don't slow down because if we do, we just might stop.

Change is just how we roll....
Change is going from Citrix to Citrix and Google Docs to Citrix and Google Docs and Dropbox.
Change is going from Gerry and I and Mike to Gerry and I and Ryan to Gerry and I and Brian.
Change is going from Alaina and Kathie and Randy to Alaina and Jim to Alaina and Laurel to Alaina and Laurel and Kendall

What a great first year! As you can see, we are not afraid of change, because sometimes that is what we need to do to be successful.

Dan Morse
Rock Star since April 20, 2010