Sunday, March 25, 2012

Set up for Success

We’ve all had “those jobs” or “that boss” who only cared about the “bottom line.” I’ve got news for them; people make up the bottom line. That’s just one small thing I love about our culture here at Garman. We are for sure set up for success or at least given the opportunity to succeed.

 You see, sometimes success can mean failing and failing is not necessarily a bad thing. I can recall many times when I didn’t handle that homeowner quite like I should have, or set that foundation too high, or ordered way too much lumber. But what I can’t remember is ever being blown out because of it. There is power in failure because when handled properly it gives one the opportunity to grow and succeed.

Not to mention the freedom that comes with knowing that hey, it’s ok to make a mistake. I know all my fellow Garmanites will agree that our unique culture here has helped to cultivate an attitude of wanting to be the best we can be. We may not be conventional or kosher, but we’re definitely good at being “US!”

- Gerry Felton