Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wedgewood: Not your average neighborhood, more like a Boutique Neighborhood.

Ok, I'll be the first to admit the term 'Boutique' is on the verge of being grossly overused but I can't think of a better way to describe the look, the feel and the experience of building a home in Wedgewood.  

And in my defense, I'm fairly certain no one has applied the 'Boutique' label to a neighborhood yet.  Know how I know?  I Googled the term 'Boutique Neighborhood' and came up with nothing...which is further evidence we're on to something really special in Wedgewood.  

So what's so special about a boutique anyway?

Well, for starters a boutique is's where you go to buy something that's not available everywhere else...where there is a limited number of each item...where someone has poured their heart and soul into offering something thoughtful and unique.  You pay a little more than you would at your average everyday superstore but it's worth it because you're after something really special in the first place.  

So how does that translate to an entire neighborhood? 

Wedgewood is a small community, just 27 homesites.  We're offering four entirely new plans and two re-designed versions of our best selling plans.  Each plan will have up to three elevations (elevation is just a fancy word for front facade...actually facade is kinda fancy too but you get the gist...we're going to be fluent in boutique speak before long).  

So six plans with three elevations each gives us 18 different houses.  Which means when you drive thru the community you won't see the same house plan built over and over.  And to make sure you won't see the same house plan built over and over, we're committing to our buyers that we won't build the same house plan/elevation more than twice.  

Your home is a reflection of your own personal style...we want to protect what is special and unique about your home.  

Talk about a departure from the same old cookie cutter new construction neighborhood.  

Get ready...we open for sale next weekend October 22nd...and stay tuned...plan and pricing details to follow.