Monday, October 25, 2010

Green Living - It's Go Time

Katie and I have made a personal commitment to green living.  It's about time, right?  The science is clear, the technology is ready, and the cost is minimal.  We have run out of excuses.  There is no time like the present.  We know it won't happen overnight, but we also know that a few small changes each week can add up quickly.

This week we started with something very simple...unplugging our phones after charging is complete.  The industry term is "vampire power," power that your cell phone continues to draw even after charging is complete.  Recently some cell phone chargers have fixed this energy loophole, but most chargers are guilty of wasting a bunch of power.

That's it.  One small change.  So I will charge my phone for an hour as I get ready for bed...and another hour when I wake up.  More later...