Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We're Suckers for Good Marketing

Check this out, it's the back cover of the book I'm reading. I love it. So clever. I've never seen such blatant marketing on a book. I mean, outside of that big O sticker they put on the front of books that make the Oprah Book Club list.

Here's why I love it...the publishers are acknowledging the fact that they have to write enough to get you to buy the book. Their mission is simple and they don't mince words. They are completely upfront about their intentions. Which made me want to buy the book.

But I didn't actually buy this book the first time I saw it. While I loved the marketing, it wasn't enough to woo me away from a funny chick lit novel (my literary equivalent of a 'sure thing').

It wasn't until I heard from my best friend that our mutual hairdresser actually read it and loved it. That trusted referral alone was enough to get me to go back and buy the book. But it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that I was buying this book when another friend from book club chose it for our next selection.

What does this have to do with buying a house? My thought is this, while I love good marketing I know it can only get you so far. Referrals can truly tip the scales.