Tuesday, March 30, 2010

World, Meet G-Lite...G-Lite, meet the World.

So how do you introduce the world to a brand of homes described as cool, fun and affordable? You start by asking Jim Garman to put on a Dorothy costume, that's how! Because it really doesn't get any cooler than that.

When Jim first asked about our marketing plan for G-Lite I said I thought we should do a postcard campaign. He pretended not to be underwhelmed but I saw that flash of, 'really, postcards?'. After all, postcards had been done. To death. Sure they could be affordable and somewhat fun but cool? No way. Um...yes way. The G-Lite postcards are about as cool, fun and affordable as it gets. I mean, if I do say so myself. And I do tend to say so.

We brainstormed themes for the postcards and Kathie said, 'what about the Garman Bunch, like the Brady Bunch?' We could start with, 'here's the story, from a team named, Garman' then later Randy said, what about the Wizard of Oz, 'there's no place like Garman Homes' and just like that theme for the G-Lite postcards was born. We decided dressing up like some of our favorite iconic images would be hysterically funny, memorable and really cool.

Postcard 1:
The Garman Bunch kicked us off...we encouraged people to stay tuned for scenes from our next episode where Alice moves out and buys her very own G-Lite home.

Postcard 2:
Abbey Road was next where we crossed the 'road to new home ownership' and invited people to 'come together, right now, over G-Lite.'

Postcard 3:
The Wizard of Oz is the one we hear the most about, which might have something to do with Jim dressed as Dorothy.

Postcard 4:
The Blues Brothers shoot made us laugh so much we a really hard time keeping a straight face in the shots...and talk about affordable-those hats and that tie I was wearing were promptly returned to the store once we wrapped the shoot!

Postcard 5:
The G-Team...I'm not sure about the parallel between Randy and Mr. T but somehow it works. Bigtime. And the shot we got of all of them coming out of the garage to attack us with power tools still makes me giggle.

So there you have it...The G-Lite postcards...collect all 5 (like the Scooby Doo glasses back in the day that you could buy from Burger King). Do you have your postcards? If not, you're missing out. Give me a shout, I'll hook you up.

p.s. we've already made a few sales off of them.