Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Fab Five Houses we're building in Keystone...

Wanna know how you make an impact in a huge neighborhood like Keystone with only FIVE houses?

It's easy, you make them FABULOUS!

And by FABULOUS we mean we designed two new plans just for this neighborhood.  Then we found a way to make them look gorgeous without breaking our bank or yours.  Affordable and stylish.  All wrapped up in a great neighborhood.  Say it with me now...FABULOUS!

Don't take my obnoxious all caps word for it...see for yourself:

This is the Danfort:  1st Fl Master!  Coffered Ceiling & Great Storage...all for $219,900.

This is the Creedmoor:  Cozy front office and wide open spaces for all you 'open plan' lovers...all for $215,900!

The fancy video embed isn't working right now but I don't want you to have to wait another second to see this gorgeous plan so just kick it old school and click the link below...
