Thursday, November 17, 2011

Watching is welcome!

Ellie loves her wooden blocks.  A few nights ago we were playing and I noticed she had perched this little boy on top of one of the blocks.  I asked her what this little boy was doing and she said, "He's watching."  

"Watching what?"

"Watching me build!  Just like in Mike Mulligan."

Do you remember Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel?  It's one of my favorites.  In the book, Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel, Mary Ann, dig the cellar for the new town hall in just one day.  And Mike Mulligan is quick to credit the little boy who not only spent all day watching them, but also convinced most of the town to come watch too.   As the book says, "When people watch us, we dig a little faster and a little better."

The same is true for us.  We love for you to be a part of our building adventure.  Come out and watch us, all the time.  Communicate with us like crazy.  Text, email.  Speak up.  We would much rather have you ask a question now than realize much later we had made a mistake.  

We are pleasers by nature, watching is welcome.